Dreaming of Summer!

As we yearn for the long warm summer days and those perfect summer evenings where we can relax outside after a long day at work, Harding Botanicals is busy planning our summer plantings! These container gardens and planter beds are some of our favorites because we get to see them transform throughout the summer as they bask in the sun and grow a little each day.

Like many other designers, our recipe for container gardens is a filler, thrillers, and a spiller! Thriller: we usually like a statement plant like a hibicus, alocasia, grass, palms. Fillers we love to add pops of color: coleus, impatiens, dusty miller, cleome, fuchsia, lantana, begonia, caladium. Last but not least are the spillers: iopmea, calibrachoa, dichondra, ivy, petunia. 

Another thing to think about before planting is light! For direct sun planters we LOVE to use: ipomea, calibrachoa, dusty miller, dichondra, cleome. lantana. for our shady pots we use: coleus, impatiens, fuchsia, ivy, heuchera, caladium, ferns, begonia. 

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Check out our 'Container Gardens' board on Pinterest for some of our inspirations.